Thirty minutes a day keeps the doctor away: What does this mean for the average Aussie bloke and his sexual life?

When it comes to servicing, us men are usually quite good at getting our vehicles or machines done on a regular basis. Although we are good at this (most of the time), we are notoriously bad for servicing our own machine (our body). Too many men come into our clinic Continue Reading
Why Yoga?
In a society where “busy” and “stressed” are the new buzz words and it’s considered abnormal to be “relaxed and well, thanks”, one may say why NOT yoga? We are so busy and stressed now in our lives that it would seem we need a formal class time to allocate Continue Reading
An Idiot’s Guide to Finishing an Ironman (and Staying Married)
As I write this I am now 4 weeks out from Ironman New Zealand. Which means that most of the big sessions are now in the bank, the mental preparation has been done, and the main part of what’s left is just getting excited to actually race soon! It will Continue Reading
The Upside of Injury
Status Update: “Broken”.
Most athletes and a fair share of non-athletes have been there. The nature of our profession is that for the most part, we see people when they are down and out; our job Continue Reading
Returning to Sport after Pregnancy
Exercising after pregnancy has many physical and psychological benefits which will help you return to your pre pregnancy fitness and sport. Many of the physiological changes of pregnancy can persist for several months post partum, but exercise can speed up and assist your recovery.
Kids and Sport: When to see a Physiotherapist
Often parents are unsure when to seek the opinion of a Physiotherapist in dealing with their active kids. Now more than ever, kids and adolescents are getting involved in organised sports, with a multitude of social and health benefits to be gained from their participation. It is not Continue Reading
Pregnancy and Exercise
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the accumulation of 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the week during a normal, healthy pregnancy. We now know that exercise – whether in the form of running, swimming, Pilates or anything Continue Reading
Fun Run Season is Here – How to Stay Injury-Free!
While other states are shivering into their hot chocolates, we are lucky enough in the far North of Queensland to be experiencing perfect running weather – beautiful crisp and sunny days with minimal humidity in the air. There is no better time of the year to be upping your running Continue Reading
Pointers for Preventing Injuries ‘en Pointe’
Every budding ballerina dreams of the day she can one day transition into pointe shoes and dance up on her toes; indeed, many years of foundation training and development go into preparing a young dancer for this exciting stage in her dancing life. However, along with the excitement comes much Continue Reading
Are you an “Active Couch Potato”?
Recently we have seen the establishment of new “Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines”, doubling the recommended amount of daily exercise to 60 minutes every day and for the first time, addressing our nation of couch potatoes. “Sedentary behaviour” includes sitting or lying down, not including sleeping time Continue Reading