Tag Archives: Benefits

Kids and Sport: When to see a Physiotherapist



Often parents are unsure when to seek the opinion of a Physiotherapist in dealing with their active kids. Now more than ever, kids and adolescents are getting involved in organised sports, with a multitude of social and health benefits to be gained from their participation. It is not unusual to see kids that are actively competing in several different sports every week, often with once- or twice-daily training sessions and multiple weekend games or competitions. Combine this activity with the demands of growing on a young body and you find the balance is a delicate one: get it right, and the child thrives; push too hard, and it doesn’t take long before niggles and burnout can arise.

Research tells us that sport is the main cause of injury in adolescents (Brukner, 2008). The number of under-15’s seeking medical attention for sporting injuries increased by 60% between 2004 and 2010. This can be attributed to an increase in kids’ participation in organised sports, improved diligence by parents in seeking medical care for their children’s sporting injuries, and higher levels of competitiveness (or skill) in children of younger ages.




We often get asked when is an appropriate time to see a Physiotherapist with respect to a child’s injury or pain. Growing children who are active will often get transient aches and pains that are normal – when these last only a few days and are mild in nature, ie do not stop the child from participating in any activities, then these can be managed without significant interventions. Often rest or a few days off sport will help in these cases. If, however, a child has any of the following, you should seek out a Physiotherapist for diagnosis and treatment:

  • Pain that lasts longer than a few days;
  • Pain that is increasing or sharp in nature;
  • Pain that gets worse with activity – ie it does not “warm up”;
  • Pain that is stopping them from participating;
  • If they are limping/modifying their activity;
  • Pain that is affecting their sleep;
  • Pain that is mild but recurrent in nature;
  • Redness or swelling around the painful area.

A Physiotherapist will be able to diagnose the injury, develop a treatment plan, and work on prevention strategies so that the injury is less likely to reoccur. If scans are required to assist diagnosis, these can be ordered through the Physiotherapist. The earlier treatment is sought, the easier the injury will be to treat and as a general rule, the less treatment sessions that will be required. Don’t feel like your child needs to be in severe pain or unable to participate before you book an appointment – a good Physio will be able to find their diagnosis no matter how “mild” you may think their symptoms are. Keeping a child active and involved in their sports is always a priority and this is much more likely to happen if the injury is seen to at an earlier stage of its progression.

The wonderful thing about children and adolescents is that their bodies have a marvellous capacity to repair and respond to increased training loads (otherwise known as: “kids bounce”). Generally, we can use the same principle in treating injuries that arise: in the majority of cases, kids can continue participating in their chosen sport(s), albeit with a few modifications to unload the injured area and allow it to heal. They are a beautiful example of what we also see in adult athletes: that when we are able to keep the body active through injury, in a safe and supervised way, the body heals faster and is able to bounce back stronger than it was before the injury. Our bodies like to move, and they respond favourably to the increased circulation, muscle mass, and the hormonal response that comes with exercise.



Physios also play an important role in injury screening and prevention. This has been the case for a long time in sports such as ballet and swimming, where the unique demands of the sport (eg extra flexibility through the shoulders in swimmers, or characteristics of the feet in dancers) mean that the injury risk is higher if the child is not well-prepared and well-suited to the sport (Gamboa, 2008). Typically with these sports we do a Musculoskeletal Screening on young athletes at the start of every year, to flag any strength, growth or flexibility issues and to develop an exercise program to reduce the risk of injury. This process usually requires a one-off musculoskeletal assessment, followed by 1-2 sessions to supervise the implemented intervention and reassess any high-risk measures.   Such programs have been shown to be effective in reducing injury risk (Eils, 2010), and as an added bonus these kids tend to see an improvement in technique and efficiency due to their improved preparedness. Of course, not all injuries can be avoided; traumatic injuries such as those typically seen in contact sports are difficult to prevent, while overuse or growth-related injuries tend to be decreased with the use of screening programs (Emery, 2003). Good candidates for musculoskeletal screening include:

  • Dancers, especially those about to go en pointe;
  • Children and adolescents swimming more than 3 x week;
  • Children who are going through an aggressive growth spurt, or who are likely to be particularly tall;
  • Children with a family history of growth- or overuse-injuries eg older siblings or parents had ongoing knee and ankle pain during growth spurts;
  • Children and Adolescents involved in more than 6 hours of organised sport/training per week;
  • Children and adolescents with a history of recurrent injuries or niggles.




The following conditions require urgent medical attention and should be assessed by a doctor (usually at a hospital or via ambulance) immediately:

  • Concussion or head trauma;
  • Suspected acute fractures – eg the child has sustained a trauma and is unable to bear weight or move the affected limb;
  • Pains that also involve rashes, fevers, headaches and other systemic symptoms;
  • Traumatic joint injuries eg shoulder and knee dislocations (these will require Physio, however need to be assessed in the acute phase to clear fractures and to get an assessment from an orthopaedic specialist);
  • Pain that is causing vomiting or nausea.

The key point to remember is that early treatment results in less time away from sport, and generally less treatment. Physiotherapists work very closely with other allied health professionals as well as doctors and specialists, ensuring that any patient that requires referral on will be obtaining the best possible care and follow-up.

For more information and advice, contact your local Physiotherapist.


Happy Training!


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  • Brukner, P., Kahn, K. Clinical Sports Medicine. Revised Second Edition. (2008). McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd.
  • Eils, E., Schroder, R., Schroder, M., Gerss, J., Rosenbaum, D. Multistation proprioceptive exercise program prevents ankle injuries in basketball. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2010; 42:2098-2105
  • Emery, C.A. Risk Factors for injury in child and adolescent sport: A systematic review of the literature. Clin J Sports Med 2003; 13:256-268
  • FIFA 11+ Webpage: http://f-marc.com/11plus/home/
  • Gamboa, J., Roberts, L., Maring, J., Fergus, A. Injury patterns in elite preprofessional ballet dancers and the utility of screening programs to identify risk characteristics. J of Ortho & Sports Phys Therapy 2008; 38(3) 126-136

Pregnancy and Exercise

IMG_0432_2The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the accumulation of 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the week during a normal, healthy pregnancy. We now know that exercise – whether in the form of running, swimming, Pilates or anything in between – is hugely beneficial from pre-conception right through to the post-partum stages.


Benefits of Exercise to Mum and Bub include:

  • Significantly Reduced risk of Preeclampsia (hypertensive disorders during pregnancy)
  • Significantly Reduced risk of gestational diabetes;
  • Reduced incidence of Low Back Pain during pregnancy and post-partum
  • Improved tolerance of labour with increased fitness and strength levels, and faster recovery post-partum;
  • Improved bone density with weight-bearing and strength exercises;
  • Reduced incidence of pregnancy-related carpal tunnel syndrome with water-based exercise programs;
  • Psychological benefits including reduced rates of pre- and post-natal depression;
  • Improved placenta development
  • Reduced morning sickness symptoms in some women;
  • Better circulation throughout the body and to the placenta
  • Less constipation and bloating;
  • More energy and better sleep;
  • Lower rates of incontinence;
  • Improved muscle support for the pelvis



 An Exercise Physiologist can help with:

  • Prescription of a home exercise program for low-risk pregnancies, and supervised exercise sessions for higher-risk pregnancies;
  • Managing safe exercise around the many physiological changes occurring, such as increased joint laxity, weight gain and a changing body;
  • Prescribing appropriate exercises to minimise your risk of Rectus Diastasis (split abdominal muscles), a common condition affecting up to 67% of pregnant women;
  • Prescribing a balanced weekly exercise programme based on your individual fitness and health, and adjusting throughout the pregnancy;
  • Pelvic floor exercises to assist with prevention of incontinence and other bladder problems;
  • Answering any of your questions about exercise during pregnancy – from elite athletes through to previously sedentary mums-to-be. Common questions include: “how hard can I go?”, “Is it safe to run/ride/strength train while pregnant?”, “what precautions do I need to take while exercising?”, “what are the warning signs to stop exercising?”.



A Physiotherapist can help with:

  • Management of common pregnancy complaints such as pelvic and low back pain;
  • Advice regarding physiological changes occurring during pregnancy and how to help manage them;
  • Preventing neck and back pain during breastfeeding
  • Managing early return-to-exercise programs post-partum.
  • Retraining pelvic floor muscles after childbirth
  • Caesarean section recovery


Pregnancy is a wonderful time full of many changes both physiologically and emotionally. Always check with a health professional (your Doctor, Obstetrician, Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist) before starting any new exercise program.



 Do I need a Referral?

  • No referral is needed to book in with an Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist. Our professional staff maintain constant communication with your doctor and Obstetrician, to ensure that everyone is up to date with your exercise and health plan throughout the pregnancy and beyond.



What is the Cost?

  • If you have private health cover you will be able to claim on these services. For more information on prices and to make a booking, please call our friendly reception staff on (07) 4783 7284






O’Toole, M., Artal, R. (2003). Guidelines of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists for exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period. British Journal of Sports Medicine 37:6-12



Pinto, Kristina.; Kramer, Rachel. Fit and Healthy Pregnancy: How to stay strong and in shape for you and your baby. VeloPress books, 2013, Boulder, Colorado.


Pivarnik, J., Chambliss, H., Clapp, J., Dugan, S., Hatch, M et al (2006). Impact of Physical Activity during Pregnancy and Postpartum on Chronic Disease Risk. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise – Roundtable Consensus Statement 0195-9131





Are you an “Active Couch Potato”?

thomas run

thomas run

Fun runs are a great way to stay active and motivated

Fun runs are a great way to stay active and motivated



Recently we have seen the establishment of new “Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines”, doubling the recommended amount of daily exercise to 60 minutes every day and for the first time, addressing our nation of couch potatoes.  “Sedentary behaviour” includes sitting or lying down, not including sleeping time during the night.



The New Guidelines: How Do You Stack Up?

– Doing any physical activity is better than doing none.  If you currently do no physical activity, start by doing some, and gradually build up to the recommended amount.


– Accumulate 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity, or an equivalent combination of both moderate and vigorous activities each week.


– Be active on most, preferably all, days every week.


– Do muscle strengthening activities on at least two days each week (gym/Pilates/weights etc)


– Minimise the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting.  Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible.



“Active Couch Potatoes”

Frightening statistics show that Australians are sedentary on average for 7 to 10 hours a day, and this does not include sleeping.  The highest health risks exist for those people who are sedentary at work, at home, and who do not do any other formal exercise.  However, there does exist another group who accumulate their 60 minutes of exercise a day, but sit for the rest of the day at work.  It has become apparent that the health benefits of their exercise bout do not completely override their globally sedentary behaviour, and these “active couch potatoes” would benefit from being more active during their work day as well.

thomas run 



I have a sitting job, help!

We can actually take away a lot of positives from the new guidelines, most notably that simply being more active throughout your day can start to give you some of the health benefits that those weekend warriors are getting with their 3-hour, one-off bike rides.  If you hate exercise, this is good news for you.  By being creative and adding activity into your day, you can be doing your body a lot of good.  Walking or cycling to work; parking at the far end of the car park or a few blocks from work; going for a short walk to get your lunch; scheduling a “walking meeting” with a colleague; installing a standing desk in your workplace; and drinking more water so that you have to get up to go to the toilet more often are all easy ideas.  If you want to get even more creative, you can get in the habit of walking every time you answer the phone; doing 20 air squats every morning tea and lunch break; or setting yourself a task of 20 push ups and a 1 minute plank every time you watch the news at night.  Keeping the body moving and the engine revving is the key point.  And the best part is, we are creatures of habit: before long, it will be second nature to be moving more (and your body will be thanking you for it).  If you haven’t been very active in the past, it’s a good idea to start with small daily habits and then build in more structured exercise as you feel more comfortable to do so.  The key is to find things that you can make fit into your work and home life, and ideally that you enjoy as well.

thomas run


Where’s the Incentive?

Increasing amounts of studies are finding links between sedentary behaviour and weight gain, type 2 diabetes, poor muscle tone, heart disease and early death.  From a Physiotherapy perspective, we are seeing more and more overweight patients coming in with pain and disability from osteoarthritis through the hips, spine and knees.  The gold standard of treatment for these patients is to increase the supporting muscle strength around the joints, and to advise the patient to lose weight: even losing 10% of their body mass results in significant reductions in pain scores.  It is argued that many of these conditions could be largely prevented by keeping a healthy body weight and staying active in the first place. After all, these are weight-bearing joints, and if you are overweight you are asking a lot of your joints every time you move.   Similarly, from an Exercise Physiology perspective, we see many patients giving us highly creative “barriers” to exercise – reasons why they can’t or won’t prioritise physical activity in their lives, even when they are in pain and significantly overweight.  It is not uncommon to have patients say they would rather have surgery to “fix” their problem, than to increase their activity and allow their body to become stronger and lighter.  I am certain that a large part of this mindset comes from how “normal” it has become to be sedentary and overweight.  But does that make it OK?  Do you want to be “average”, if that’s what “average” has become?  Do you want to live to a ripe old age, only to be overweight and in pain for the majority of that time? I certainly don’t!


low res version What About my Kids?

It is more important than ever to keep our kids active, healthy and happy.  Structured exercise is not only crucial for developing little minds and bodies, it is also important for social and health reasons too.  Getting into the habit of being active early on can set you up for a lifetime of good habits, which is a gift that you can give your children for life.  For kids 5-17 years of age, aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily; and up to several hours daily to achieve even greater health benefits.  Ideally this activity will be a mixture of strength and aerobic activity, which is where structured sports like soccer and netball, and active family time like cycling and walking the dog all come into the mix.  Of most importance is the new recommendations to limit use of electronic media (TV,computers, ipads etc) to less than 2 hours a day.  With childhood obesity on the rise, it is more challenging and hence more important than ever to aim for these goals.



Everyone is unique with their daily lifestyle, job requirements, and previous injury and health history.  If you need help fitting these guidelines into your lifestyle, or have concerns about previous health issues or injuries, a few sessions with an Exercise Physiologist will help you to work out a program that you can do on a daily basis, without pain, and ideally with ease.  Research has shown us time and time again that the most successful activity programs are achieved when the whole family gets involved and supports one another.  Our children model themselves off our behaviours – from food to exercise to language, and they are facing the most sedentary generation in history: let’s teach them from a young age how to be anything but “average”!


More information about healthy living, including references to other Australian Government guidelines concerning healthy weight and healthy eating, can be found at www.health.gov.au






Healy, G.N., Dunstan, D.W., Salmon, J., Shaw, J.E., Zimmet, P.Z., Owen, N. (2008) Television time and continuous metabolic risk in physically active adults.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 40(4) 639-645.


Sugiyama, T., Healy, G.N., Dunstan, D.W., Salmon, J., Owen, N. (2008) Joint associations of multiple leisure-time sedentary behaviours and physical activity with obesity in Australian adults. Int J Behav Nutr and Phys Act 5(35) 5868-5-35


Nelson, M.C., Gordon-Larson, P., Adair, L.S., Popkin, B.M. (2005) Adolescent physical activity and sedentary behaviour: patterning and long-term maintenance. American J of Prevent Med. 28(3) 259-266


Patrick, K., Norman, G.J., Calfas, K.J., Sallis, J.F., Zabinski, M.F., Rupp, J., Cella, J. (2004) Diet, Physical activity, and sedentary behaviours as risk factors for overweight in adolescence.  Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 158: 385-390


More than half of all Australian adultsare not active enough.  Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2013.  Australian Health Survey: Physical Activity, 2011-12. ABS Cat. No. 4364.0.55.004. Cnaberra: ABS




What is the difference between Pilates and Clinical Pilates?

What is Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is a system of safe and effective exercises which meet your specific individual needs. Clinical Pilates is used by our physiotherapists to treat a wide range of injuries and conditions, ranging from low back pain and chronic pain to hypermobility and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is also used by elite athletes and dancers to improve essential movement patterns and enhance fitness and performance, as well as assisting with injury prevention.  By working into your body’s preferred movement, Clinical Pilates improves your mobility, stability, balance, posture and overall function.


Clinical Pilates offers a system of safe, effective and highly specific exercises appropriate for all ages. There are stages of exercises that you can progress through that will allow you to see the improvements in your strength, control and healing.


Differences between Regular and Clinical Pilates

There are important differences between regular Pilates and Clinical Pilates.


Regular Pilates is conducted by a Pilates instructor, whereas Clinical Pilates is prescribed and supervised by a Clinical Pilates trained Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist (E.P.). This difference is very important because a Physiotherapist or E.P., unlike a Pilates instructor, has an in-depth knowledge of injury, pathology, bodily function, healing and movement patterns. This knowledge allows a Physiotherapist to assess each patient and determine which exercises will be the most effective for each individual.  This becomes especially important if you have any history of injury – whether it be low back pain, whiplash, osteoporosis, or if you are an athlete coming back from an injury.  There will be certain exercises which need to be adapted specifically for you so to avoid further harm; this is something that only a Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist is trained to do.  Like any form of exercise, Pilates can be wonderful for fitness, however still has the potential to cause injury or pain if not prescribed and monitored in the correct way.


Forms of Pilates


Treatment Sessions


At FirstIn Physio, Pilates comes in many forms so that the benefits can be enjoyed by everyone.  You will often see our Physiotherapists using the Pilates Reformer as part of treatment sessions, to assist in re-establishing correct movement patterns in the body following injury.  Our Exercise Physiologists also use the Reformer during exercise training sessions, which can serve a number of purposes.  Some athletes coming back from surgery of the hip or spine will need a program based on core work and mobility and the Pilates Reformer becomes a mainstay of their rehab program.  It can also be used for high-level athletes as part of a strength session and to work on weaknesses in mobility throughout the body, leading to better overall performance, or with stroke patients to assist with rehabilitation.   We also use it a lot with dancers in order to train their technique to bring them to a higher level and make them more injury-proof.


Group Matwork Classes


FirstIn Physio offers a number of small group classes at the clinic, designed to cater for different levels of fitness and skill, from beginner through to advanced.  The classes are an excellent way to build base core strength in a fun and supervised environment, allowing your physio to closely watch your technique as you perform the exercises and to give you variations based on your individual needs.  These classes are a lot of fun and tend to fill up fast!  We also offer male- and female-specific classes.


Independent Sessions


One of our Physiotherapists or Exercise Physiologists can work closely with you to develop your own Pilates program using the equipment at the clinic combined with matwork exercises.  Once you feel confident and competent with your specific program, you can advance to an independent program, where you will be able to use our studio and its equipment at regular intervals on your own. A Physiotherapist will regularly monitor your program and prescribe more advanced exercises as you progress.

Benefits of Clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates has been shown to prevent injuries, improve balance and stability, strengthen and tone muscle and improve bone density.  It is a great form of general exercise to improve fitness and improve technique in specific movements, such as dance, running and golf.  It is appropriate for all age groups from kids through to the elderly and is safe and fun!

  • Prevention and treatment of back pain & injury
  • Resolution of spinal pain
  • Enhanced core stability and pelvic floor function
  • For the elderly, enhancement in movement, balance, agility and flexibility
  • Falls prevention
  • Muscle toning without adding bulk
  • Increased bone density (for Osteopaenia & Osteoporosis)

For more information, please do not hesitate to give our staff a call and find out more about the amazing benefits of Clinical Pilates at FirstIn Physio!

